Published on 12/09/2024
The Mityana South MP, Richard Lumu, has announced plans to consult the leadership of the National Unity Platform (NUP) regarding the Administration of Parliament Amendment Bill, where he proposes the election of the Leader of the Opposition (LoP) by MPs.
Lumu seeks to end the current practice where the largest opposition party appoints the LoP. He has already consulted with Uganda People’s Congress (UPC), which opposed the proposal, advocating for maintaining the status quo.

Lumu stated during a media interview at Parliament that he is waiting for confirmation from NUP on the scheduled meeting. He also revealed ongoing consultations with other stakeholders, including a planned meeting with the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the Democratic Party (DP).
While Lumu emphasized the importance of broad consultation, he condemned accusations that his bill is a government-backed attempt to weaken the opposition, labeling such critics as “shallow and myopic.”
He expressed frustration over the misinterpretation of his proposal, highlighting that the bill merely seeks to strengthen democracy by giving MPs the power to elect their opposition leader.
Lumu also suggested an amendment to have the Deputy Speaker of Parliament elected from the opposition, which he believes will foster checks and balances in Uganda’s legislative system.
He proposed additional reforms, such as increasing the representation of smaller political parties in the Parliamentary Commission and enhancing the vetting process for shadow cabinet members.