Welcome to National News Express, your trusted source for comprehensive and timely news coverage from the heart of Uganda. We are dedicated to delivering unbiased, accurate, and insightful news to keep our readers well-informed about the latest developments in Uganda and beyond.

Our Mission

At National News Express, our mission is to empower individuals with knowledge by providing reliable news and analysis. We aim to be a beacon of truth in the media landscape, fostering transparency, accountability, and civic engagement.

Who We Are

Passionate Journalists: Our team comprises a group of dedicated and passionate journalists committed to journalistic integrity. We believe in the power of journalism to shape societies and bring about positive change.


Local Focus, Global Perspective: While our roots are firmly planted in Uganda, we understand the global interconnectedness of today’s world. Our reporting reflects a local focus with a global perspective, ensuring our readers get a well-rounded understanding of the issues that matter.

What Sets Us Apart

Unwavering Commitment to Accuracy: We prioritize accuracy in reporting. Our editorial team follows stringent fact-checking processes to deliver news you can trust.


Diverse Coverage: From politics and business to culture and sports, National News Express covers a wide range of topics, catering to the diverse interests of our readers.

Community Engagement: We believe in the importance of community engagement. Through our reporting, we aim to foster discussions that lead to a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing Uganda.

Contact Us

Have a story to share or a tip to provide? We value the input of our readers. Feel free to contact us with your feedback, suggestions, or news leads. Your voice matters, and together, we contribute to a more informed and connected society.

Thank you for choosing National News Express as your go-to source for news in Uganda. We look forward to being your trusted companion in the journey of staying informed.